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1) Mutually acknowledged emotional, sexual, or romantic connections with multiple partners is called
  1. Serial monogamy
  2. Polyamory
  3. Polyandry
  4. Pansexuality
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2) A relationship pattern that has one monogamous relationship following another is called
  1. Monogamy
  2. Serial monogamy
  3. Non-monogamy
  4. Polygamy
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3) Which of the following statements is false about children's toys?
  1. Girls tend to receive toys that reinforce the caretaker role
  2. Boys are just as intersected in playing with dolls as girls are at an early age
  3. Boys tend to focus on action
  4. Recent research shows that toys today do not reproduce gender stereotypes
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4) Women who work in male-dominated industries are
  1. More likely to never marry or to remain childless than women in other occupations
  2. Just as likely to marry as other women
  3. More likely to have children
  4. Experiences no differences in their personal lives than women who select traditional occupations
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5) An individual who is attracted romantically and/or sexually to both men and women is called
  1. Heterosexual
  2. Homosexual
  3. Bisexual
  4. Pansexual
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6) The concept of gender was developed by feminists during the
  1. 1940s
  2. 1950s
  3. 1960s
  4. 1970s
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7) Which of the following statements is true?
  1. Mothers respond more quickly to the cries of their baby boys than their baby girls
  2. In the first six months f life, boys are more likely than girls to be held, rocked, and kissed
  3. Parents spend more time talking to little boys
  4. Parents punish their daughters more than they do their sons
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8) Organizing principles that shape and order interactions between women and men are called
  1. Gender relations
  2. Gender groups
  3. Gender patterns
  4. Gender concepts
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9) Transvestites, drag queens, drag kings, and intersected individuals can included in the broad category of
  1. Homosexuals
  2. Transsexuals
  3. Transgendered individuals
  4. Bisexuals
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10) Who would most likely agree that marijuana should be legalized if evidence shows that marijuana criminalization has not led to a decrease in marijuana use?
  1. Idealists
  2. Pragmatists
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11) Decisions about what laws should be created are often based on
  1. Morality
  2. Leadership
  3. Historical study
  4. Crime data
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12) The Youth Risk Behaviour Study is an example of which type of crime measurement method?
  1. Official crime data
  2. Self-report data
  3. Interview data
  4. Victimization survey
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13) What does the term Nullen crimen sine lege mean?
  1. There can be no crime without deviance
  2. There can be no law without crime
  3. There can be no crime without a law
  4. There can be no deviance without crime
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14) Passing a law making it illegal to smoke in public would create a
  1. Mala in se crime
  2. Crimen sine crime
  3. Nolo contendere crime
  4. Mala prohibita crime
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15) In addressing crime problems, criminal justice strategies are _____________________ while tactics reflect ________________________.
  1. broad approaches to address a problem/ how to implement the policy
  2. how to implement the policy /broad approaches to address a problem
  3. idealistic/pragmatic
  4. pragmatic/idealistic
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16) The normative ideal of dominant masculinity is called
  1. Emphasized masculinity
  2. Western masculinity
  3. Dominant masculinity
  4. Hegemonic masculinity
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17) Women working in full time positions earn
  1. as much as men
  2. slightly less than men
  3. more than men
  4. Much less than men
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18) The idea of adhering to a social contract means
  1. complete freedom for all citizens
  2. an exchange of some freedom for more security
  3. a chaotic society
  4. None of the above
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19) Which of the following statements is false?
  1. Girls outperform boys on Ontario school testing
  2. Men outnumber women in post-secondary institutions
  3. Girls outnumber boys in French immersion programs
  4. Girl are most likely to outperform boys in language skills
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20) Having a sound theoretical understanding of criminal justice issues can
  1. aid criminal justice professionals in enforcing the law
  2. aid in developing effective crime policies
  3. aid in understanding the functions of criminal justice
  4. All of the above
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21) _________ is the determination of male or female on the basis of a set of socially agreed-upon biological criteria.
  1. Sex
  2. Gender
  3. Sexuality
  4. Sexual orientation
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22) An irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals is called
  1. Racism
  2. Sexism
  3. Heterosexism
  4. Homophobia
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23) The normative ideal of femininity is called
  1. Hegemonic femininity
  2. Emphasized femininity
  3. Western femininity
  4. Dominant femininity
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24) Moral judgment is often the basis of a criminal justice system strategy. Which of the following issues illustrates an issue that potentially involves a moral judgment?
  1. Prisoners’ rights
  2. Alcohol policy
  3. Physician-assisted suicide
  4. All of the above
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25) In 2004, 37 percent of all managerial positions in Canada were held by women. This fact supports the concept of the
  1. Corporate ladder
  2. Glass ladder
  3. Glass ceiling
  4. Glass floor
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26) The concentration of women in traditional occupations is called.
  1. Occupational sex segregation
  2. Occupational gender segregation
  3. Traditional career selection
  4. Normative career selection
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27) Over the last decade, crime rates in the United States have
  1. Steadily increased
  2. Steadily decreased
  3. Remained stable
  4. Increased in severity
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28) It is important for governments to have legitimacy. Which of the following may occur when governments do not have legitimacy?
  1. Protest
  2. Widespread disobedience of laws
  3. Revolution
  4. All of the above
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29) Which of the following occupational fields would not be considered traditional for women?
  1. Teaching
  2. Nursing
  3. Sales and services
  4. Engineering
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30) Which of the following statements is false?
  1. today there is greater equality in the sharing of household duties between heterosexual couples than there was 20 years ago
  2. if we combine unpaid and paid work, women work slightly more than men
  3. women do more unpaid work than men
  4. over the past 20 years,women's unpaid work has dropped by 0.5 hours per day
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31) The assertion that power flows from the resources that a member brings to a relationship is called
  1. Exchange theory
  2. Trade theory
  3. Household labour theory
  4. Gender-gap theory
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32) Which of the following is a disadvantage of the systems perspective of criminal justice?
  1. It assumes that discretion is limited and outcomes are certain
  2. It assumes all criminal justice agencies collaborate efficiently
  3. It assumes that agencies agree on system goals
  4. All of the above
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33) Which perspective argues that men and women perform separate, specialized, and complementary roles to maintain cohesiveness within families and the wider society?
  1. Feminist
  2. Functionalist
  3. Symbolic interactionist
  4. Conflict theorist
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34) Intersexed individuals are
  1. Those born with ambiguous genitalia
  2. Those born with external genitalia
  3. Hyper-sexual individuals
  4. Those who engage in bisexual behaviour
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35) Which of the following statements is true?
  1. Children are more likely to have a male teacher than a female teacher
  2. Most elementary school principals in Canada are male
  3. Male principals are overrepresented in elementary and secondary schools
  4. There are now more female principals in secondary schools
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36) Which of the following is false regarding gender themes in television commercials?
  1. Alcohol advertisements typically depict men as losers
  2. Female friendships are the centre of most advertisements
  3. Men in ads to be single
  4. Women in ads tend to be depicted either as "babes" or "bitches
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37) ______ challenge the view that heterosexuality is naturally superior
  1. Functionalists
  2. Conflict theorists
  3. Feminists
  4. Queer theorists
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38) Who would most likely agree that the Anti-Drug Laws of 1986 should not be reformed because they promote a positive anti-drug message, even if the Anti-Drug Laws did not decrease drug use?
  1. Idealists
  2. Pragmatists
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39) Which of the following crime data tools is best to assess the ‘dark figure’ of crime?
  1. The UCR
  2. The NCVS
  3. The NIBRS
  4. All of the above
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40) _______ refers to socially constructed characteristics associated with girls and boys, women and men.
  1. Sex
  2. Gender
  3. Sexuality
  4. Sexual orientation
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41) Which of the following statements is false?
  1. Women in lead television roles are typically beautiful, heterosexual, and white
  2. White men tend to be portrayed as heroes in the media
  3. Black men tend to be portrayed as frightening, scary characters
  4. White women tend to be portrayed as aggressive while black women tend to be portrays as docile
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42) An individual's sexual and emotional attraction to a person of a particular sex is called
  1. Sexual knowledge
  2. Sexual identity
  3. Sexual experience
  4. Sexual orientation
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43) The state of nature refers to a
  1. chaotic society
  2. crime-free society
  3. rights-oriented society
  4. well-ordered society
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44) In which subject do boys perform at a level close to girls, according to results from Ontario's student achievement testing?
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Math
  4. French
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45) ______ see gender as a way for men to subordinate women to ensure paternity and the line of inheritance.
  1. Functionalists
  2. Conflict theorists
  3. Symbolic interactionists
  4. Post-structuralists
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46) Romantic and sexual desire for people regardless of their gender identity or biological sex is called
  1. Transsexuality
  2. Bisexuality
  3. Pansexuality
  4. Homosexuality
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47) Which of the following statements is false?
  1. Women are far more likely than men to undergo cosmetic surgery
  2. The most popular cosmetic surgery for men and women is liposuction
  3. Most people who seek cosmetic procedures are over 50
  4. For women, liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that is more popular than breast augmentation
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48) What statement is false?
  1. One-third of women work part-time because they cannot find full-time work
  2. 39 percent of women work part-time because of family obligations
  3. Men tend to experience part-time work throughout their lives, while for women it is only during the early child-bearing years
  4. Women's time away from work to raise children is one of the greatest barriers to career advancement
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49) Which of the following nonsurgical procedures is most popular in Canada?
  1. Botox
  2. Injectables
  3. Facelift
  4. Liposuction
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50) What is the most common cosmetic procedure in Canada?
  1. Liposuction
  2. Rhinoplasty
  3. Breast augmentation
  4. Facelift
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51) In 2004,______ of women aged 15 and over were in the paid labour force.
  1. 14 percent
  2. 48 percent
  3. 58 percent
  4. 72 percent
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52) In 2008, women working full-time earned an average ________ of what men earned.
  1. 61.5 percent
  2. 65 percent
  3. 70.5 percent
  4. 75 percent
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53) ________ understands sexual behaviour as a product of the discourse of sexuality.
  1. Feminists
  2. Post-structuralists
  3. Conflict theorists
  4. Symbolic interactionists
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54) ________ is a broad term that can include our masculinity or femininity, our knowledge of our bodies, our sexual histories, and our sexual preferences.
  1. Sexual history
  2. Sexual identity
  3. Sexual experience
  4. Sexual orientation
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55) In Canada, the first gay rights demonstration took place in Ottawa in
  1. 1929
  2. 1959
  3. 1971
  4. 1981
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