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Blood practice questions

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1) What is a neutrophil?
  1. A bacteria that prefers a neutral (pH 7) environment
  2. A type of coagulation factor in the blood
  3. A type of white blood cell
  4. An atom with more neutrons than electrons
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2) Which term means a low white blood cell count?
  1. Leukocytosis
  2. Leukodystrophy
  3. Leukopenia
  4. Leukoplakia
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3) Plasma proteins:
  1. are low-molecular-weight proteins
  2. are part of the blood serum
  3. are regarded as formed blood elements
  4. help maintain blood volume due to colloid osmotic pressure
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4) Which pathway is also known as the contact activation pathway?
  1. Common pathway
  2. Extrinsic pathway
  3. Intrinsic pathway
  4. Tissue factor pathway
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5) Angiotensin-converting enzyme converts angiotensin I to:
  1. aldosterone
  2. angiotensin II
  3. angiotensin III
  4. renin
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6) The three major groups of plasma proteins are:
  1. albumin, fibrinogen, globulin
  2. albumin, globulin, hemoglobin
  3. fibrin, globulin, albumin
  4. insulin, glucagon, hemoglobin
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7) In the process of hemostasis, which phase involves the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways?
  1. Clot formation phase
  2. Coagulation phase
  3. Platelet phase
  4. Vascular phase
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8) Which of the following initiates the coagulation cascade via the extrinsic pathway?
  1. Factor XII
  2. Prothrombinase
  3. Thrombin
  4. Tissue factor
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9) What is the first step of hemostasis?
  1. Blood coagulation
  2. Temporary blockage of a break by a platelet plug
  3. Vasoconstriction
  4. Vasodilation
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10) In hemostasis, which molecule polymerises to become the blood clot?
  1. Factor X
  2. Fibrin
  3. Plasmin
  4. Thrombin
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11) Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down:
  1. fat
  2. protein
  3. starch
  4. sugars
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12) Lipase breaks down:
  1. enzymes
  2. fats
  3. proteins
  4. red blood cells
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13) What is the preferred source of DNA for DNA testing?
  1. Plasma proteins
  2. Platelets
  3. Red blood cells
  4. White blood cells
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14) The absence of which antigen makes red blood cells resistant to Plasmodium vivax malaria?
  1. Duffy
  2. Kidd
  3. Lewis
  4. Rhesus
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15) A type B− patient can receive a blood transfusion from which two blood types?
  1. B− and AB−
  2. B− and AB−
  3. B− and O−
  4. O− and O+
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16) A person's blood group is determined by:
  1. the antibodies circulating in their blood
  2. the antibodies on the surface of their red blood cells
  3. the antigens circulating in their blood
  4. the antigens on the surface of their red blood cells
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17) What does "Rhesus positive" mean?
  1. The antibodies in a pregnant woman's blood are destroying her baby's blood cells
  2. The patient has a deficiency of Factor VIII, resulting in hemophilia
  3. The patient has the D antigen on the surface of their red blood cells
  4. The patient has the rhesus antibody in their blood
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18) A person who is blood group B has:
  1. A antigens and anti-A antibodies
  2. A antigens and anti-B antibodies
  3. B antigens and anti-A antibodies
  4. B antigens and anti-B antibodies
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19) People with type AB blood can only donate blood to people of which blood type?
  1. Type A
  2. Type AB
  3. Type B
  4. Type O
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20) Which blood type is the universal recipient?
  1. A+
  2. AB+
  3. B+
  4. O+
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21) The ABO system of blood groups is based on the presence of which proteins on red blood cells?
  1. Agglutinins
  2. Antibodies
  3. Antigens
  4. Immunoglobulins
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22) A person with type A blood has what on their red blood cells?
  1. A antigens
  2. B antigens
  3. Anti-A antibodies
  4. Anti-B antibodies
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23) A person with the A antigen on their red blood cells also has what in their blood?
  1. Anti-A antibodies
  2. Anti-B antibodies
  3. Both anti-A and anti-B antibodies
  4. B antigens
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24) Which of these cells is not found in blood?
  1. Basophils
  2. Erythrocytes
  3. Leukocytes
  4. Osteocytes
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25) The two most common types of white blood cells are:
  1. monocytes and eosinophils
  2. monocytes and lymphocytes
  3. neutrophils and basophils
  4. neutrophils and lymphocytes
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26) Which blood cell has a multi-lobed nucleus and inconspicuous cytoplasmic granules, and is also the most common type of blood cell after red blood cells?
  1. Basophil
  2. Eosinophil
  3. Lymphocyte
  4. Neutrophil
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27) Which blood cells protect the body from pathogens and foreign cells?
  1. Erythrocytes
  2. Hemoglobin
  3. Leukocytes
  4. Platelets
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28) Serum and plasma both contain:
  1. clotting factors
  2. plasma proteins
  3. platelets
  4. red blood cells
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29) Which enzyme converts fibrinogen to fibrin?
  1. Renin
  2. Secretin
  3. Serotonin
  4. Thrombin
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30) What causes colloid osmotic pressure in blood?
  1. Proteins in the blood
  2. Proteins in the interstitial fluid
  3. Sodium and chloride ions in the blood
  4. The water component of the blood
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31) Formed elements in blood include which of the following?
  1. Electrolytes
  2. Fibrinogen
  3. Plasma proteins
  4. White blood cells
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32) Formed elements are:
  1. blood plasma
  2. blood serum
  3. the clotting factors in blood
  4. white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets
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33) Red blood cells are also known as:
  1. eosinophils
  2. erythrocytes
  3. monocytes
  4. thrombocytes
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34) The main task of red blood cells is to:
  1. ensure hemostasis
  2. provide immunity
  3. stop bleeding by forming a clot over injuries
  4. transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
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35) Red blood cells are mainly composed of:
  1. albumin
  2. alpha- and beta- globulins
  3. hemoglobin
  4. mitochondria
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36) What are the two main types of lymphocytes?
  1. B cells and T cells
  2. Cytotoxic cells and helper cells
  3. Granulocytes and agranulocytes
  4. Macrophages and thrombocytes
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37) Which of these white blood cells is a phagocyte?
  1. B cell
  2. Basophil
  3. Neutrophil
  4. T cell
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38) Neutrophils:
  1. are part of the adaptive immune system
  2. are part of the innate immune system
  3. contain hemoglobin
  4. have no nucleus
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39) Which of these is NOT a type of white blood cell?
  1. Basophil
  2. Eosinophil
  3. Erythrocyte
  4. Neutrophil
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40) Which of these is a macrophage?
  1. Basophil
  2. Kupffer cell
  3. Megakaryocyte
  4. T cell
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41) Which is the least common white blood cell?
  1. Basophil
  2. Lymphocyte
  3. Neutrophil
  4. Thrombocyte
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42) Platelets:
  1. are also known as antithrombins
  2. are enzymes
  3. convert prothrombin to thrombin
  4. form a plug in the hole of damaged blood vessels
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43) Vitamin K:
  1. converts prothrombin to thrombin
  2. destroys fibrin which allows a clot to dissolve gradually
  3. is essential for the liver's production of prothrombin
  4. is water soluble
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