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Physical examinations

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1) Tonometry checks the:
  1. brain
  2. ears
  3. eyes
  4. heart
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2) Which medical procedure uses a speculum, spatula, and cytobrush?
  1. Ear irrigation
  2. Pap smear
  3. Phlebotomy
  4. Wound dressing
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3) In which patient examination technique do doctors use their hands and fingertips to feel for positions and sizes of organs?
  1. Manipulation
  2. Observation
  3. Palpation
  4. Percussion
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4) Which patient examination technique involves tapping parts of the body and using the sound produced to gauge the density of structures?
  1. Auscultation
  2. Observation
  3. Palpation
  4. Percussion
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5) Which patient examination technique involves using a stethoscope to listen for abnormalities in different body parts?
  1. Auscultation
  2. Manipulation
  3. Mensuration
  4. Observation
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6) During a pediatric exam, the child’s height, weight and head circumference are plotted onto which chart to gauge whether the child is growing appropriately?
  1. Apgar
  2. Growth
  3. Medical
  4. Pediatric
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7) Which test detects cancer by collecting cells from the cervix?
  1. Pap smear
  2. Pelvic exam
  3. Pregnancy test
  4. Ultrasound
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8) Which procedure examines the female reproductive organs?
  1. Digital rectal examination
  2. Pelvic exam
  3. Pregnancy test
  4. Prostate exam
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9) What is the name of this chart?
  1. Bakker chart
  2. De Vries chart
  3. Jansen chart
  4. Snellen chart
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10) When recording eye exam results, the patient's right eye is recorded as:
  1. OD
  2. OR
  3. OS
  4. OU
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11) What is normal body temperature?
  1. 21°C
  2. 32°C
  3. 37°C
  4. 100°C
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12) What is the normal range for systolic blood pressure in adults?
  1. 40–69 mm Hg
  2. 60–79 mm Hg
  3. 90–119 mm Hg
  4. 120–139 mm Hg
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13) What is the normal range for diastolic blood pressure in adults?
  1. 40–69 mmHg
  2. 60–79 mmHg
  3. 90–119 mmHg
  4. 120–139 mmHg
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14) What is the BMI overweight range?
  1. 16–18.49
  2. 18.5–24.9
  3. 25–29.99
  4. 30–34.99
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15) The normal respiratory rate for adults is ________ breaths per minute.
  1. 4–12
  2. 12–20
  3. 20–28
  4. 28–36
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16) What is the name of the sounds heard with a stethoscope as a blood pressure cuff is slowly deflated?
  1. Belsky
  2. Korotkoff
  3. Morozov
  4. Turgenev
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17) In which position does the patient lie on their left side with their left leg slightly bent and their right leg sharply bent?
  1. Fowler’s
  2. Prone
  3. Sims’
  4. Supine
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18) Which patient position is commonly used for ECGs?
  1. Fowler’s
  2. Prone
  3. Semi-Fowler’s
  4. Supine
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19) Which patient position is used for barium swallow procedures, nasopharyngeal feedings and respiratory distress, and requires the patient to lie face up, with their upper body elevated at 45-60 degrees?
  1. Dorsal recumbent
  2. Fowler’s
  3. Lithotomy
  4. Semi-Fowler’s
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20) In which position does the patient lie face-down?
  1. Fowler’s
  2. Prone
  3. Sims’
  4. Supine
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21) Which patient position is used for gynecology examinations?
  1. Lateral
  2. Lithotomy
  3. Sim's position
  4. Trendelenburg
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