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AP Psychology C.1

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1) The science of behavior and mental processes best defines
  1. applied research
  2. basic research
  3. cognitive research
  4. psychology
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2) Which perspective would most likely explain anger as "an outlet for unconscious hostility"?
  1. behavioral
  2. functionalist
  3. psychodynamic
  4. social-cultural
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3) Which perspective would most look at how our interpretation of a situation affects how we react to it?
  1. biological
  2. cognitive
  3. psychodynamic
  4. social-cultural
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4) Which of the following is the best example of applied research?
  1. experimenting with how we perceive stimuli
  2. investigating basic human traits
  3. studying the changing abilities of a child from age 2 to age 5
  4. using psychological concepts to boost morale and productivity
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5) The study of current environmental influences and the importance of satisfying the needs for love and acceptance best describe which school of psychology?
  1. behavioral
  2. humanistic
  3. psychodynamic
  4. structuralist
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6) For behaviorists, psychological science is rooted in
  1. cultural influences
  2. growth potential
  3. introspection
  4. observation
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7) Self-reflective introspection (looking inward) to discern the elements of experience best describes a technique used by
  1. Darwinists
  2. behaviorists
  3. empiricists
  4. structuralists
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8) Which of the following professionals is also a medical doctor?
  1. clinician
  2. counselor
  3. psychiatrist
  4. psychologist
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9) Which of the following psychologists would most likely conduct psychotherapy?
  1. biological
  2. clinical
  3. cognitive
  4. industrial-organizational
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10) The psychological laboratory, opened in 1879, belonged to
  1. Charles Darwin
  2. Wilhelm Wundt
  3. renè Descartes
  4. sigmund Freud
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11) The debate on the relative contributions of biology and experience to human development is most often referred to as
  1. behaviorism
  2. evolutionary analysis
  3. the cognitive revolution
  4. the nature-nurture issue
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12) Which of the following would most likely explore how we view and affect each other?
  1. biological
  2. cognitive
  3. developmental
  4. social
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13) The (blank) school of psychology focused on how mental and behavioral processes enable us to adapt and flourish.
  1. behavioral
  2. functionalist
  3. humanistic
  4. structuralist
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14) The study of mental activity linked with brain activity best describes
  1. Gestalt psychology
  2. cognitive neuroscience
  3. humanistic psychology
  4. the psychodynamic perspective
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15) SQ3R is an acronym for a study method that includes survey, question, read, rehearse, and
  1. recite
  2. response
  3. review
  4. rigor
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