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1) Which of the following is not a major role of hormones?
  1. Growth stimulation
  2. Erythrocyte synthesis
  3. Fluid balance and regulation
  4. Metabolic rate regulation
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2) You are experiencing constipation, dry skin, weight gain, and cold intolerance. Which condition are you most likely experiencing?
  1. Hyperthyroidism
  2. Addison's disease
  3. Cushing's syndrome
  4. Hypothyroidism
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3) Diagnosis of SIADH is based on which of the following?
  1. Hyponatremia
  2. Hypertoxicity
  3. Increased urine volume
  4. Dilute urine with a low sodium content
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4) A symptom of a prolactinoma would include:
  1. galactorrhea
  2. alopecia
  3. excessive menses
  4. pregnancy
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5) Your patient is complaining of menopausal hot flashes and other symptoms. Which of the following would you recommend as a nonpharmacologic method for the relief of these symptoms?
  1. Increase spicy foods
  2. Increase caffeine intake
  3. Use relaxation techniques
  4. Avoid soy products containing phytoestrogens
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6) It is correct to assume that pituitary adenomas:
  1. will experience rapid growth
  2. are generally metastatic
  3. arise from the anterior pituitary
  4. have a pathogenesis due to infarction
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7) Symptoms of Graves disease includes:
  1. hypothyroid
  2. goiter
  3. sunken eyeballs
  4. atrial fibrillation
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8) What is the second leading cause of cancer in men?
  1. Lung cancer
  2. Prostate cancer
  3. Testicular cancer
  4. Adrenal cancer
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9) A patient is asked to collect a 24-hour urine test to check a hormone level. Why is the 24-hour urine needed?
  1. To measure female reproductive hormone levels
  2. To obtain a measurement of hormone secretion over time
  3. It is easier than obtaining a blood sample
  4. Urine is not an effective method of measuring hormone levels
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10) Within 2 weeks of complete absence of ACTH, the symptoms will be:
  1. ausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, hypoglycemia and weakness
  2. cold intolerance, dry skin, mild myxedema, lethargy, and decreased metabolic rate
  3. amenorrhea, atrophic vagina, uterus, breasts, decrease in body hair, and diminished libido
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11) It is true that DI:
  1. results from low levels of ADH
  2. occurs with organic lesion of the hypothalamus or pituitary
  3. may be demonstrated by excessively concentrated urine
  4. is caused by low levels of ADH
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12) Within 2 weeks of complete absence of TSH, the symptoms will be:
  1. ausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, hypoglycemia and weakness
  2. cold intolerance, dry skin, mild myxedema, lethargy, and decreased metabolic rate
  3. amenorrhea, atrophic vagina, uterus, breasts, decrease in body hair, and diminished libido
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13) A patient experiences nausea, vomiting, loss of body hair, fatigue, weakness, and hypoglycemia. The hormone deficiency the patient is most likely experiencing is that of:
  1. TSH
  2. ACTH
  3. FSH
  4. LH
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14) Abnormalities in endocrine function may be caused by a(n):
  1. decrease in hormone levels
  2. altered metabolism of the hormones
  3. absence of antibodies against specific receptors
  4. faulty feedback systems
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15) Excess cortisol is represented by which condition?
  1. Addison's disease
  2. Cushing syndrome
  3. Diabetes insipidus
  4. Hyperthyroidism
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16) The release of hormones from glands is most often controlled by :
  1. Negative feedback mechanisms
  2. Nephrogenic mechanisms
  3. Ectopic hormone production
  4. Active transport
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17) The most common cause of endocrine disorders is:
  1. Surgical removal of endocrine glands
  2. Infection
  3. Adenomas
  4. Immunodeficiency
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18) Which type of hormone is not produced in the adrenal cortex?
  1. Mineralocorticoids
  2. Glucocorticoids
  3. Adrenal sex hormones
  4. Neurotransmitters
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19) Your family is worried because your cousin has a testosterone deficiency. What would you notice for clinical manifestations?
  1. Increased skin thickness
  2. Clear skin, free of acne
  3. Excessive chest and facial hair
  4. Bulky skeletal muscle development
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20) Which of the following occurs with elevated levels of cortisol?
  1. Fatty acids are mobilized
  2. Glucose levels are suppressed
  3. Plasma protein levels increase
  4. Inflammation increases
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21) Diabetes insipidus, if left untreated, will rapidly develop into:
  1. malignant hypertension
  2. diabetic coma
  3. dehydration
  4. metabolic alkalosis
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