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Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) practice certification exam

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1) Crystal A. is scheduled for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, especially upon eating certain foods, and has been diagnosed as having gallstones. Which of the following is true for this type of a precaution for this type of procedure?
  1. Keep the lighted scope on the sterile drapes when not in use
  2. Instruments are passed to the surgeon in a firm manner with a slight snap
  3. The camera is white balanced using an x-ray 4x4
  4. The pressure in the abdomen must be at least 25 mm Hg
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2) Which of the following local anesthetic agents is for topical use only and is not injected?
  1. mepivicaine hydrochloride (Carbocaine)
  2. lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine)
  3. cocaine hydrochloride (Cocaine)
  4. bupivicaine hydrochloride (Marcaine)
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3) Which blood type is known as the universal donor?
  1. A
  2. O
  3. B
  4. AB
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4) The stage of general anesthesia that ends with the loss of consciousness is:
  1. Stage III (Surgical Anesthesia)
  2. Stage IV (Overdose)
  3. Stage I (Amnesia)
  4. Stage II (Excitement)
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5) Excessive scar formation is known as a/an:
  1. ad space
  2. cicatrix
  3. adhesion
  4. keloid
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6) Which of the concepts of electrosurgery (ESU) electrical energy flow is correct?
  1. During the use of bipolar electrical energy, the energy passes through the tissue and returns through the same instrument used to deliver the current
  2. The use of bipolar energy may result in alternate site burns
  3. Remote electrode monitoring (REM) is associated with the use of bipolar electrical energy
  4. The use of bipolar energy flow requires the use of a return electrode pad
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7) Wendy W. has a goiter and is scheduled for a Thyroidectomy. Which muscle will be incised during the procedure?
  1. pectoralis
  2. platysma
  3. buccinator
  4. trapezius
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8) Shannon J., an eight-year-old child, is scheduled for a Tonsillectomy and an Adenoidectomy. Which tonsils will be removed during the Tonsillectomy?
  1. pharyngeal
  2. palatine
  3. maxillary
  4. lingual
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9) The first of Erickson’s Developmental Stages is:
  1. Industry versus Inferiority
  2. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
  3. Ego Integrity versus Despair
  4. Trust versus Mistrust
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10) When using metal container systems to package instrument sets:
  1. instruments are placed in the container closed on their first ratchet
  2. the filters must remain intact
  3. the package should weigh no more than 20 pounds
  4. a biologic monitor is placed inside the package
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11) An electrical fire should be extinguished with which type of extinguisher?
  1. Class B
  2. Class A
  3. Class D
  4. Class C
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12) The first movement of the fetus felt by the mother is known as:
  1. facement.
  2. lightening.
  3. quickening.
  4. lochia
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13) Cyclodiathermy and cyclocryotherapy :
  1. crease the aqueous secretions by the ciliary body to treat glaucoma
  2. treat myopia
  3. utilize phacoemulsification
  4. involve the insertion of a prosthesis
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14) Wendy W. has a goiter and is scheduled for a Thyroidectomy.
  1. dental removal of the parathyroid glands could result in which condition?
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15) Postural hypotension and air emboli pose a greater threat in which of the following positions?
  1. Fowler
  2. prone
  3. Trendelenburg
  4. lateral kidney
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16) When his outside grill malfunctioned, Randy received burns to his arms and chest. He is scheduled for a STSG. Which degree of burn involves the epidermis and a portion of the dermis and is characterized by pain, blisters, and a moist pink surface?
  1. second-degree
  2. third-degree
  3. fourth-degree
  4. first-degree
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17) one kilogram equals:
  1. 54 centigrams
  2. 0.001 grams
  3. 2.2 pounds
  4. none of the above
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18) Which of the following surgical positions might require the use of padded shoulder braces?
  1. Kraske
  2. lateral
  3. reverse Trendelenburg
  4. Trendelenburg
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19) Treponema pallidum is the causative organism of which disease?
  1. syphilis.
  2. gas gangrene.
  3. gonorrhea.
  4. tuberculosis
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20) The sphincter of Oddi is located at the:
  1. pulla of Vater.
  2. canal of Schlemn.
  3. Hesselbach’s triangle.
  4. ligament of Treitz
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21) What is the spore used for biological monitoring of the steam sterilizer?
  1. cillus stearothermophilus
  2. staphylococcus aureus
  3. bacillus subtilis
  4. clostridium perfringes
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22) Operative techniques to enhance wound healing include all of the following except:
  1. reful dissection with adequate hemostasis
  2. obliteration of dead space
  3. closure of dirty wounds
  4. preservation of blood supply
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23) Which of the following is a sponge used on delicate tissue such as the brain and mucous membranes?
  1. pledget
  2. cottonoid
  3. kitner
  4. peanut
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24) The term for one of the characteristics of LASER light where all photons travel parallel to one another is called:
  1. refraction
  2. coherence
  3. collumation
  4. monochromatic
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25) An inframammary incision is made:
  1. hind the auricle
  2. below the ribs
  3. above the umbilicus
  4. below the breast
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26) Which of the following equipment used in the OR setting does not use the concepts of mechanical movement?
  1. Harmonic Scalpel®
  2. Cavitational Ultrasonic Suction Aspirator (CUSA)
  3. LigaSure
  4. Morcellator
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27) Which of the following anesthetic agents is given intravenously and is used for a quick induction?
  1. Atracurium (Tracrium)
  2. isoflurane (Forane)
  3. propofol (Diprivan)
  4. succinylcholine (Anectine)
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28) Prepping for a Pfannenstiel incision would extend from:
  1. nipple line to groin
  2. clavicle to umbilicus
  3. groin to mid-thigh
  4. umbilicus to mid-thigh
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29) Which type of hernia is acquired and the peritoneal sac bulges through Hesselbach’s triangle?
  1. moral hernia
  2. direct inguinal hernia
  3. indirect inguinal hernia
  4. umbilical hernia
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30) Crystal A. is scheduled for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, especially upon eating certain foods, and has been diagnosed as having gallstones. Crystal’s pre-operative diagnosis would be:
  1. lecystocalculi
  2. colitis
  3. cholelithiasis
  4. colelithosis
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31) Which of the following drugs is an osmotic diuretic used during a craniotomy to reduce cerebral edema?
  1. atrizoate sodium (Renografin)
  2. norepinephrine (Levophed)
  3. mannitol (Osmitrol)
  4. methylergovine (Methergine)
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32) Requirements for an individual operating room include all of the following except:
  1. ilt-in systems of oxygen from a blue hose and nitrous oxide from a green hose
  2. adjustable lights connected to an emergency system
  3. seamless, nonporous walls and ceilings
  4. x-ray view box
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33) A Colles’ fracture is of the:
  1. lateral malleolus
  2. distal radius
  3. distal ulna
  4. medial malleolus
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34) A Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is performed to treat what condition?
  1. sleep apnea
  2. Graves' disease
  3. epistaxis
  4. cholesteatoma
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35) Which of the following would not be considered a sentinel event in the operating room?
  1. ug error
  2. patient burn
  3. aeger primo
  4. abandonment
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36) A female patient signs the surgical consent, but because of a language barrier she does not fully understand what she has signed. This could constitute a liability case for:
  1. respondeat superior
  2. improper documentation
  3. abandonment
  4. assault and battery
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37) Which of the following statements is not true of pre-operative skin preps?
  1. The umbilicus should be prepped last or separately to avoid spreading germs to cleaner areas
  2. Phenol compounds are frequently used as surgical skin preps
  3. Prep for a breast biopsy should be done gently to avoid dispersal of cancer cells
  4. For basic abdominal surgery, prep from the incision site to the periphery
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38) The sterilizing agent that is limited to commercial sterilization of supplies is:
  1. paracetic acid
  2. glutaraldehyde
  3. cobalt 60
  4. hydrogen peroxide
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39) When his outside grill malfunctioned, Randy received burns to his arms and chest. He is scheduled for a STSG. What are the two methods used to determine the extent of burns?
  1. Rule of Nine, Lund and Browder
  2. Rule of Six, Brown and Sharp
  3. Rule of Nine, Lane and Lowman
  4. Rule of Eighteen, Beckman and Taylor
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40) Surgery to treat Tetralogy of Fallot:
  1. involves treating four congenital defects of the heart
  2. is generally performed on teenagers following puberty
  3. is performed through a transaxillary incision
  4. requires the insertion of a T-tube
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41) Which of the following diagnostic x-rays might be performed on a patient scheduled for a Laminectomy?
  1. IVP
  2. myelogram
  3. cholangiogram
  4. pneumoencephalogram
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42) Crystal A. is scheduled for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, especially upon eating certain foods, and has been diagnosed as having gallstones. Which type of food would most likely precipitate a painful attack?
  1. roteins
  2. fats
  3. carbohydrates
  4. vitamins
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43) All of the following are neuromuscular blocking agents except:
  1. Pavulon
  2. Narcan
  3. Norcuron
  4. Anectine
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44) What are pledgets?
  1. ssecting sponges used for blunt dissection
  2. small squares of teflon used as buttresses under sutures in friable tissue
  3. tonsil sponges with a string attached
  4. compressed rayon or cotton that are moistened and used on delicate tissue such as the brain and mucous membranes
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45) The folds on the inside of the stomach and the urinary bladder that allow for expansion are known as:
  1. rpus luteum.
  2. prepuce.
  3. rugae.
  4. areola
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46) Which of the following is an important safety protocol?
  1. place all sharps in a puncture-proof container at the end of the case
  2. apply knife blades to the handle with the gloved hand to allow exact handling of the blade
  3. recap all needles to avoid injury
  4. break down mayo stands as soon as the skin incision is complete to prevent being rushed during the between-case clean-up
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47) A traumatic wound that leaves tissue torn or hanging from the body is a/an:
  1. ulsion
  2. puncture
  3. abrasion
  4. contusion
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48) What is the term used for the type of dressing in which skin sutures are left long and are tied over the dressing to apply even pressure? Such a dressing is often used on the recipient site of a skin graft to prevent fluid from accumulating under the graft.
  1. lky dressing
  2. strip dressing
  3. rigid dressing
  4. stent dressing
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49) During a Bronchoscopy, the bronchial washings will be collected in a/an:
  1. lture tube.
  2. Ellik evacuator.
  3. Lukens trap.
  4. tuberculin syringe
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50) The instrument pictured is a:
  1. self-retaining O’Sullivan-O’Connor retractor with bladder blade
  2. manual Bozeman retractor
  3. manual Gelpi retractor
  4. self-retaining Balfour retractor with bladder blade
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51) Which of the following is not true of sterilization?
  1. In steam sterilization, heat coagulates the protein in the bacteria cells, which causes its destruction
  2. Items sterilized by EO/ETO must be aerated
  3. Dry heat can be used to sterilize oils and powders
  4. Flash sterilization is recommended for implants
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52) A test performed daily on the pre-vacuum sterilizer to ensure complete removal of air is called the:
  1. Pneumokit test
  2. Papanicolaou test
  3. Bowie Dick test
  4. Schiller’s test
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53) Which term signifies moving a part away from the midline?
  1. duction
  2. abduction
  3. extension
  4. flexion
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54) The electrical energy device that uses a stream of argon gas to deliver the electrical current to the target tissues using a “no-touch” technique is the:
  1. Electrosurgical generator (ESU)
  2. argon-enhanced coagulator
  3. Harmonic Scalpel®
  4. LigaSure™
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55) Anita M. age 72, is scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement.
  1. l of the following instruments and supplies may be used except:
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56) Which of the following, as a source of ionizing radiation, requires the OR staff to wear radiation protection?
  1. radiant warmer for infant
  2. fiberoptic light source
  3. image intensifier for fluoroscopy
  4. LASER for endoscopic surgery
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57) The type of microbial relationship in which one organism lives completely at the expense of the other is known as:
  1. symbiosis
  2. mutualism
  3. commensalism
  4. parasitism
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58) Each of the following is a safety precaution when handling medications in the operating room except:
  1. the circulator holds the vial of medication for the scrub to observe the appearance of the medication, and to read the name, amount, strength, and expiration date
  2. the scrub must label the containers and syringes containing medication on the back table
  3. once the medicines have been labeled, the vial should be removed from the room
  4. when presenting the medication to the surgeon, the scrub recites the name, strength, and amount of the drug
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59) Anita M. age 72, is scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement. What is another name for this procedure?
  1. thocentesis
  2. arthrodesis
  3. McBride procedure
  4. arthroplasty
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60) A nevus is another term for a:
  1. wart.
  2. lesion.
  3. mole.
  4. basal-cell carcinoma
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61) What is another name for a Kocher incision?
  1. McBurney
  2. vertical midline
  3. subcostal
  4. paramedian
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62) The assessment of the neonate on the basis of heart rate, respiratory rate, muscle tone, color, and reflex irritability which is taken at one minute and five minutes after delivery is know as the:
  1. station.
  2. Braxton Hicks.
  3. Apgar score.
  4. HCG
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63) Which of the following are scalp clips used during a Craniotomy?
  1. Ferguson
  2. Gardner
  3. Raney
  4. Freer
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64) Which of the following is not considered to be part of the basic instrumentation for Opthalmic surgery?
  1. Castoviejo needle holder
  2. McPherson retractor
  3. Stevens scissors
  4. Silverman needle
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65) Which of the following is true of latex allergies?
  1. The surgical patient with latex allergies should be scheduled as the first case of the day to avoid airborn allergens.
  2. A latex allergy cart, which provides latex-free supplies, should be maintained .
  3. Sensitization to latex can result from cutaneous absorption, direct mucosal contact, and from inhaling airborn allergens.
  4. All of the above are true
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66) A double bowl-shaped evacuator used during a TURP to remove prostatic tissue is a/an:
  1. Asepto.
  2. van Buren.
  3. Ellik.
  4. Toomey
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67) Which of the following is not true of thoracic anatomy?
  1. the lungs are located in the mediastinum
  2. the right lung has three lobes
  3. funnel chest is known as pectus excavatum
  4. the left lung has two lobes
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68) A Moddin-Udden or Greenfield would be used as a/an:
  1. shunt during a carotid endarterectomy.
  2. shunt for an AV fistula.
  3. vena cava umbrella filter.
  4. underwater seal drainage system
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69) The most basic of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is/are:
  1. self-esteem
  2. physiological needs
  3. safety needs
  4. love and belonging
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70) Which of the following surgical procedures is performed to treat morbid obesity?
  1. Ramstedt-Fredet procedure
  2. Roux-en-Y
  3. Pancreaticoduodenectomy
  4. Choledochojejunostomy
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71) Which surgical position involves lowering the head of the table, which improves visualization of pelvic structures?
  1. Reverse Trendelenburg
  2. Fowler
  3. Trendelenburg
  4. Kraske
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72) Which arterial trunk branches off from the anterior portion of the abdominal aorta and then branches into the hepatic, gastric, and splenic arteries, which supply the liver, stomach, and spleen, respectively?
  1. phrenic
  2. celiac
  3. mesenteric
  4. innominate
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73) Which of the following is a correct procedure when working with a plaster cast?
  1. Separated fingers, instead of the palm of the hand, are used when holding the casted extremity as the plaster is drying
  2. Hot water is used to slow down the time it takes for the cast to harden
  3. The plaster roll should be removed from the bucket of water when the bubbles cease
  4. Plaster rolls should be prepared at least ten minutes before their use
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74) Which of the following is not an antiseptic?
  1. lorhexadine gluconate
  2. hexachlorophene
  3. peracetic acid
  4. povidine-iodine
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75) Which of the following statements is correct when taking and recording vital signs?
  1. A weak, rapid pulse and cool, clammy skin are symptoms of shock
  2. The artery used in taking routine blood pressure is the median cubital in the arm
  3. The rate of the pulse may be full and bounding or weak and thready
  4. The normal body temperature in Celsius is 57 degrees
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76) A premedicated female patient was placed on a gurney and was then left alone while the nurse retrieved her x-rays. As the patient tried to get off the stretcher, she fell and broke her hip. The nurse is charged with:
  1. sault and battery
  2. primum non nocern
  3. respondent superior
  4. abandonment
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77) Crystal A. is scheduled for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, especially upon eating certain foods, and has been diagnosed as having gallstones. Which type of food would most likely precipitate a painful attack?
  1. proteins
  2. fats
  3. carbohydrates
  4. vitamins
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78) If the surgeon ordered tetracaine (Pontocaine) two gtts OU stat, the circulator would give:
  1. two drops in the right eye immediately
  2. two drops in both eyes immediately
  3. two drams in the left eye now
  4. two grains in the left eye now
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79) In which procedure may the patient be placed in the supine position with the right side slightly elevated by a wedge to tilt the patient to the left to prevent pressure on the great vessels?
  1. Shirodkar
  2. Wertheim procedure
  3. Cesarean section
  4. Marsupialization of a Bartholin’s cyst
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80) Transmission of microorganisms through a moisture-permeated sterile barrier is known as:
  1. shelf life
  2. bioburden
  3. strike through
  4. osmosis
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81) Crystal A. is scheduled for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, especially upon eating certain foods, and has been diagnosed as having gallstones. In preparing for this case, all of the following would be needed except:
  1. Silverman needle
  2. video monitor
  3. defogging solution
  4. carbon dioxide
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82) All of the following are orthopedic retractors except:
  1. Hibbs.
  2. Auvard.
  3. Blount.
  4. Bennett
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83) An inanimate object that transmits disease is termed a:
  1. lminth
  2. fomite
  3. nosocomial
  4. vector
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84) Who was known for his gentle tissue handling practices, his silk suturing technique, and the introduction of rubber gloves to the operating environment?
  1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
  2. William Halstead
  3. Joseph Lister
  4. Alexander Fleming
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85) Hallux valgus is treated by which procedure?
  1. Total Knee Arthroplasty
  2. Bankart or Putti-Platt
  3. Keller or McBride
  4. Insertion of Harrington Rod
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86) When a patient is placed in the prone position, he or she is log-rolled onto chest rolls with the weight born by the:
  1. scapula and olecranon process
  2. symphysis pubis and sternum
  3. clavicle and symphysis pubis
  4. iliac crest and acromion process
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87) The two glands that open into the vaginal orifice and provide lubrication for sexual intercourse are termed the:
  1. seminal vesicles.
  2. Bartholin’s glands.
  3. Cowper’s glands.
  4. mammary glands
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88) A patient is scheduled for a Gastrojejunostomy. After completing the procedure, the surgeon proceeds to remove a mole from the shoulder while the patient is still under anesthesia. No operative permit was obtained for this. The circulator should:
  1. inform the surgeon that he or she will be sued for abandonment and then report it to the anesthesia provider
  2. inform the surgeon that the second procedure is not covered on the operative permit and if he or she continues, report it to the supervisor or administrator in charge
  3. allow the surgeon to proceed and then report it to the chief of surgery
  4. let the surgeon proceed since it is his or her responsibility to obtain the consent
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89) Which of the following is a plasma expander and is used as artificial plasma when blood is not yet available?
  1. Lactated Ringer’s solution
  2. hyperalimentation solution
  3. D5W
  4. Dextran
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90) Computer applications in the OR setting include all of the following except:
  1. word processing
  2. performing research on new surgical products and procedures
  3. operating robotic arms
  4. performing documentation
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91) Which of the following statements concerning abdominal surgical incisions is true?
  1. eft subcostal incision (kocher) is made for an open cholecystectomy
  2. a pfannenstiel incision is an oblique incision
  3. a midline incision is made between the rectus muscles
  4. a right paramedian incision is used for a gastrostomy
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92) Anita M. age 72, is scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement. What is the most common reason for performing this procedure?
  1. osteomyelitis
  2. osteomalacia
  3. osteoarthritis
  4. osteochondroma
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93) The term for a lack of blood supply to an organ or tissues is:
  1. cites.
  2. ataxia.
  3. exostosis.
  4. ischemia
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94) Phacoemulsification involves:
  1. plication of a cryoprobe to remove a cloudy lens
  2. irrigation with glycine to prevent build-up of heat
  3. fragmentation of the lens by ultrasonic vibration and irrigation-aspiration
  4. procedures to decrease intraocular pressure
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95) Venereal warts (condylomas) are caused by which of the following?
  1. tomegalovirus
  2. prions
  3. herpes zoster
  4. human papillomavirus
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96) Which of the following is not good aseptic technique?
  1. Unscrubbed persons approach a sterile field facing it and do not walk between two sterile areas
  2. The sterile field should be prepared as closely as possible to the scheduled time of use and should not be covered
  3. Scrubbed persons should avoid changing levels and should be seated only when the entire surgical procedure will be performed at this level
  4. Sterile persons may grasp the edge of the draped back table to move it into position
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97) Following the surgical case, instruments may be cleaned in a machine that uses high-frequency sound waves to dislodge debris by the process of cavitation. This cleaning device is the:
  1. ultrasonic cleaner
  2. washer sterilizer
  3. Sterad
  4. Sterris
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98) Le Fort I, Le Fort II, and Le Fort III are all classifications of what condition?
  1. cial fractures
  2. abnormal spinal curvatures
  3. TMJ syndrome
  4. orthognathic conditions
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99) Poor circulation is a concern for all of the following populations except:
  1. riatric patients
  2. diabetic patients
  3. obese patients
  4. pediatric patients
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100) During an Operative Cholangiogram, the surgeon requests 30 cc of 50% Hypaque solution to be injected into the common bile duct to look for gallstones. What would you draw up?
  1. 50 cc of saline, 50 cc of Hypaque
  2. 30 cc of saline, 30 of Hypaque
  3. 30 cc of Hypaque, 50 cc of Hypaque
  4. 15 cc of saline, 15 cc of Hypaque
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101) Crystal A. is scheduled for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, especially upon eating certain foods, and has been diagnosed as having gallstones. Crystal’s pain would be concentrated in which abdominal quadrant?
  1. RLQ
  2. LLQ
  3. RUQ
  4. LUQ
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102) Which of the following would be considered a semi-critical item?
  1. ood pressure cuff
  2. surgical instrument
  3. colonoscope
  4. cardiac catheter
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103) Prior to performing a cervical biopsy, the surgeon may paint the cervix with which of the following solutions?
  1. Lugol’s solution
  2. Hypaque
  3. Gentian violet
  4. Indigo carmine
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104) The term for the amount of air that we take in with a normal breath (approximately 500 cc) is:
  1. vital capacity.
  2. residual capacity.
  3. tidal volume.
  4. eupnea
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105) The “window of the eye” is the:
  1. retina
  2. cornea
  3. iris
  4. aqueous humor
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106) Blood leaving the pulmonary veins enters the:
  1. pulmonary valve
  2. lungs
  3. right atrium
  4. left atrium
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107) During a Suprapubic Prostatectomy, the surgeon uses what to enucleate the prostate gland?
  1. resectoscope
  2. Ferguson scoop
  3. Mason-Judd
  4. the surgeon’s finger
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108) Shannon J., an eight-year-old child, is scheduled for a Tonsillectomy and an Adenoidectomy. Which of the following is the name of a mouth gag that may be used during the procedure?
  1. Jennings
  2. Davidson
  3. Lane
  4. Taylor
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109) Shannon J., an eight-year-old child, is scheduled for a Tonsillectomy and an Adenoidectomy. Following the procedure, in which position will Shannon be placed?
  1. on her side
  2. Trendelenburg
  3. prone
  4. sitting
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110) Any agent that causes a change in movement or the energy that causes acceleration is called:
  1. speed
  2. velocity
  3. friction
  4. force
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111) Osteomalacia means:
  1. painful bones
  2. an abnormal softening of bone
  3. an x-ray of a bone
  4. enlargement of the ear
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112) A nerve stimulator may be needed during which of the following procedures?
  1. Parotidectomy
  2. Microlaryngoscopy
  3. Alveoloplasty
  4. Mastectomy
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113) Which portion of the nervous system is responsible for the fight, flight, or fright response?
  1. parasympathetic
  2. central
  3. somatic
  4. sympathetic
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114) Which pH is most acidic?
  1. 98
  2. 6.77
  3. 7.35
  4. 6.15
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115) The surgical scrub should:
  1. a timed procedure rather than a count of the number of stokes
  2. include the subungual area, which should be cleaned with a nail cleaner under running water
  3. start at two inches above the elbows and extend to the fingertips
  4. include a preliminary wash that is performed to remove all resident flora
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116) A Whipple procedure is performed in which of the following positions?
  1. lithotomy
  2. lateral
  3. Fowler
  4. supine
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117) Which of the following hormones are secreted by the islet cells in the pancreas?
  1. tidiuretic, adrenocorticotropic
  2. gonadotropic, thyrotropic
  3. calcitonin, thyroxine
  4. glucagon, insulin
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118) A power device that shoots saline solution into a traumatic or infected wound to cleanse and debride it, and may be powered by nitrogen, is called a/an:
  1. Cavitron Ultrasonic Suction Aspirator
  2. cryotherapy unit
  3. cell saver
  4. irrigation/aspiration unit
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119) Cerebrospinal fluid is formed in the:
  1. oroid plexus
  2. thalamus
  3. canal of Schlemn
  4. glomerulus
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120) Which of the following drugs is an enzyme added to a local anesthetic to enhance infiltration?
  1. tropicanamide (Mydriacyl)
  2. naloxone (Narcan)
  3. Hyaluronidase (Wydase)
  4. Vitamin K (Mephyton
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121) Wendy W. has a goiter and is scheduled for a Thyroidectomy.
  1. oiter is often the result of a lack of what in the diet?
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122) When supplies are prepared for steam sterilization, the maximum size and weight of a linen pack are :
  1. 12x12x20 inches; 12 pounds
  2. 12x20x20 inches; 12 pounds
  3. 12x12x20 inches; 16 pounds
  4. 12x20x20 inches; 16 pounds
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123) Alicia is a dental assistant who has been experiencing pain and numbness in her thumb, index finger, and middle finger. She has been diagnosed as having carpal tunnel syndrome. Which of the following statements is true of the Carpel Tunnel Repair?
  1. the repair involves the release of the ulnar nerve
  2. The scrub prep will begin with the proximal portion of the arm and proceed to the distal area
  3. A Bier block may be used and a double cuffed tourniquet would be needed
  4. A lithotomy sheet will be used to drape the area
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124) The glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, proximal and distal tubules, and the loop of Henle are all part of the:
  1. ventricles of the brain.
  2. male duct system.
  3. Circle of Willis.
  4. nephron
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125) When using a surgical LASER, the following precaution should be observed:
  1. persons entering the room should wear a lead shield
  2. shiny metal instruments are used to reflect the beam away from the patient’s eyes
  3. special masks are worn to prevent the inhalation of the carbonized particles in the laser plume
  4. during surgery on the esophagus, moistened sponges are placed in the esophagus to prevent the release of methane gas, which could cause an explosion
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126) Shannon J., an eight-year-old child, is scheduled for a Tonsillectomy and an Adenoidectomy. Which of the following instruments or supplies would not be used?
  1. Eve’s snare
  2. prep solution
  3. round sponges with a string attached
  4. Hurd dissector/Pillar retractor
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127) The pre-operative urinalysis performed on Jan C. indicates that the specific gravity is 1.050. This is:
  1. ove normal range and she is dehydrated
  2. indicative of glycosuria
  3. within normal range
  4. below normal range and she is dehydrated
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128) Carcinoma in situ means:
  1. this is a fulmigating inflammation
  2. the cancer is not invasive
  3. the patient has a poor prognosis
  4. the cancer has spread to surrounding areas
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129) When his outside grill malfunctioned, Randy received burns to his arms and chest. He is scheduled for a STSG. What does STSG stand for?
  1. split thickness skin graft
  2. standard thickness skin graft
  3. sliced tissue skin graft
  4. sterile tissue skin graft
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130) A Transphenoidal Hypophysectomy is the surgical removal of which structure?
  1. rpus callosum
  2. nucleus pulposus
  3. sphenoid sinus
  4. pituitary gland
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131) An ESWL is a/an:
  1. Adrenalectomy.
  2. type of penile implant.
  3. non-invasive procedure to treat renal calculi.
  4. Radical Nephrectomy
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132) Undermining is a term used in plastic surgery which means to:
  1. use a special pressure dressing to prevent edema.
  2. mark the incision site with a sterile marking pin.
  3. place a skin graft through the mesher on a dermacarrier.
  4. separate the skin and subcutaneous tissue from underlying structures
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133) When his outside grill malfunctioned, Randy received burns to his arms and chest. He is scheduled for a STSG. Which instrument is used to expand the skin to allow it to cover more area?
  1. sa
  2. dermatome
  3. dermabrader
  4. mesh graft device
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134) Which of the following sutures would be used to make tonsil knots and to suture the subcutaneous layer?
  1. Chromic gut
  2. PDS
  3. Plain gut
  4. Ti-cron
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135) Prior to surgery, the patient may have all of the following done except:
  1. ve a Fogarty catheter inserted
  2. receive a blood transfusion
  3. have a Levine tube inserted
  4. have a CBC performed
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136) Which surgical specimen is examined immediately by the pathologist?
  1. ozen section
  2. culture
  3. foreign body
  4. amputated limb
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137) When soaking instruments for high-level disinfection, you would perform all of the following actions except:
  1. rinse the instruments immediately before putting them in the germicide
  2. ensure that all surfaces and lumens of the instruments are in contact with the solution
  3. rinse the instruments with sterile distilled water following contact with the germicide
  4. clean the instruments to reduce the bioburden
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138) The thyroid gland is composed of two lobes connected by a bridge of tissue known as the:
  1. nal of schlemn
  2. falciform ligament
  3. isthmus
  4. corpus collosum
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139) Which of the following medications and supplies are not used during cardiac surgery?
  1. potassium chloride as a cardioplegic
  2. Chalazion clamp
  3. ice slush of saline or Ringer’s solution
  4. stainless steel wire suture
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140) Prior to a Total Knee Replacement , the surgeon orders Ancef 1 gram IV stat. Which of the following statements is true about this order?
  1. Ancef is an anti-inflammatory agent
  2. 1000 milligrams of the medication would be given for antibiotic prophylaxis
  3. The medication would be given at the end of the procedure once the patient was in the PACU
  4. 1000 kilograms of the medication would be given intravenously immediately
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141) Which of the following is not true of surgical attire?
  1. Eyewear should be wiped with an antiseptic between cases
  2. B. Masks should be either on or off
  3. C. Mask strings should be criss-crossed on top of the head
  4. D. Caps should cover all hair including long facial hair with the wrap-around type of hood
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142) Following each surgical case, the post-operative clean-up procedures include which of the following activities:
  1. the floor is mopped with detergent germicide, and the mop head and solution are changed every two hours
  2. the walls are washed with a detergent germicide
  3. he gown and gloves are removed after the instruments have been taken down the hall to the decontamination area
  4. the sharps are placed in a puncture-proof container
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143) A VP shunt:
  1. involves the removal of epileptogenic tissue from the brain to treat seizures
  2. involves insertion of a catheter to drain cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity
  3. involves the use of a Beckman-Adson retractor, Love nerve root retractor, and a Horsley bone cutter
  4. treats pectus excavatum
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144) When his outside grill malfunctioned, Randy received burns to his arms and chest. He is scheduled for a STSG. Prior to taking the graft, the skin is prepared with:
  1. xylocaine
  2. mineral oil
  3. alcohol
  4. thrombin
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145) Which of the following is not part of the fire triangle?
  1. pressure
  2. fuel
  3. source of ignition
  4. oxygen
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146) A Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure is a/an:
  1. Ureterosigmoidostomy.
  2. Ileal Conduit.
  3. bladder neck suspension for female urinary incontinence.
  4. Epispadias Repair
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147) Tic douloureux is also known as:
  1. cephaloma.
  2. meningocele.
  3. trigeminal neuralgia.
  4. hydrocephalus
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148) Which of the following methods of hemostasis is an absorbable gelatin sponge that may be moistened with saline or thrombin solution?
  1. surgicel
  2. avitene
  3. gelfoam
  4. oxycel
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149) Bacteria are classified by shape. Which of the following is true about the shape of bacteria?
  1. spirilla are rod-shaped
  2. cocci are spherical in shape
  3. spores are spiral-shaped
  4. bacilli are round
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150) Wendy W. has a goiter and is scheduled for a Thyroidectomy. Which instruments will be used on the procedure?
  1. Lehey tenaculum, Green retractor, Beckman retractor
  2. McIver retractor, Hurd dissector, Eve’s snare
  3. Jacobs tenaculum, Gelpi retractor, Cloward retractor
  4. Gaylor forceps, Thomas currette, Schnidt forcep
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151) During a Laminectomy for a ruptured disc, what instrument is used to remove the herniated disc material?
  1. Kerrison rongeur
  2. Cloward punch
  3. Horsley cutter
  4. pituitary rongeur
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152) Which of the following instruments are needed to perform an Arteriotomy?
  1. scalpel with # 12 blade, Metzenbaum scissors
  2. scalpel with #11 blade, Potts-Smith scissors
  3. scalpel with # 15 blade, bandage scissors
  4. scalpel with # 20 blade, Stevens scissors
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153) Another name for a face lift is:
  1. Rhytidectomy.
  2. Blepharoplasty.
  3. Mentoplasty.
  4. Alloplasty
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154) Which of the following is not true of aseptic technique?
  1. Uscrubbed persons open peel packs without tearing the pack or letting the item slide over the edge
  2. Peel packs are considered sterile to the inner edge of the heat seal
  3. Wrapped packages that are sterilized in-house should contain a chemical process monitor on the inside and outside of the package
  4. Envelope-wrapper packages are considered sterile all the way to the edge
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155) Wendy W. has a goiter and is scheduled for a Thyroidectomy. Damage to which nerve could cause paralyzed vocal cords?
  1. trigeminal
  2. recurrent laryngeal
  3. vagus
  4. spinal accessory
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156) When inserting arch bars, what size wire is most frequently used?
  1. # 32 or 33
  2. # 40 or 42
  3. # 16 or 18
  4. # 25 or 26
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157) Sellick’s maneuver involves:
  1. icoid pressure to prevent regurgitation of stomach contents into the lungs of an unconscious patient.
  2. fundal pressure to assist with the delivery of an infant during a Cesarean section.
  3. driving the camera during laparoscopic procedures.
  4. isolating contaminated instruments after their contact with mucous membrane
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158) A Meckel’s diverticulum is located at the:
  1. proximal jejunum
  2. distal ilium
  3. distal ileum
  4. distal colon
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159) Which of the following is not a congenital defect?
  1. Baker’s cyst
  2. imperforate anus
  3. tracheoesophageal fistula
  4. omphalocele
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160) The first cranial nerve (CN I) is the:
  1. vestibulocochlear
  2. occulomotor
  3. olfactory
  4. optic
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161) Syndactyly is:
  1. left lip.
  2. large, protruding ears.
  3. loss of elasticity of the skin of the eyelids.
  4. webbed fingers or toes
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162) Gas-medium LASERs include which of the following?
  1. rbon dioxide and KTP
  2. tunable dye and Nd:YAG
  3. argon and carbon dioxide
  4. KTP and Nd:YAG
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163) The auditory ossicle that is proximal to the tympanic membrane is the:
  1. stapes
  2. malleus
  3. hyoid
  4. incus
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164) Anita M. age 72, is scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement. Which of the following draping materials would not be used on this case?
  1. U drape
  2. coban
  3. stockinette
  4. extremity sheet
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165) Which is true about the inner layer of the gastrointestinal tract?
  1. It is the mucosa and is sutured with 3-0 chromic swaged onto a small Ferguson needle.
  2. It is the muscle layer and is usually not sutured during an anastomosis.
  3. It is the serosa and is sutured with 3-0 silk swaged onto a small Ferguson needle.
  4. It is the submucosa and is sutured with a 3-0 chromic on a PS-3 needle
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166) Charlie has entered the operating room for a Bronchoscopy for an aspirated foreign object. Which of the following is true of this procedure?
  1. soaking the scope for 30 minutes in peracetic acid will result in high level disinfection of the scope
  2. a fiberoptic bronchoscope will be used
  3. The apex of the lung will be visualized during this procedure
  4. The object is probably lodged in Charlie’s right bronchus since it is wider, shorter, and straighter than the left bronchus
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167) Which device uses ultrasonic energy to cut and coagulate tissue simultaneously, and, because of the lower temperature used there is less vaporized tissue plume, requires no grounding pad, and is used frequently during laparoscopic procedures?
  1. Harmonic Scalpel®
  2. cryotherapy unit
  3. argon-enhanced coagulator
  4. CUSA
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168) During a Caldwell-Luc procedure, the largest of the paranasal sinuses is opened with either a drill or an osteotome and mallet and the opening is enlarged with a Kerrison rongeur. The name of this sinus is the:
  1. sphenoid
  2. frontal
  3. ethmoid
  4. maxillary
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169) Following a TURP, a patient will have a three-way Foley with a 30-cc balloon inserted. What is the purpose of this type of catheter?
  1. The Foley is an embolectomy catheter which extracts blood clots when it is removed
  2. The 30-cc balloon exerts pressure on the prostatic fossa and provides hemostasis
  3. The Foley drains urine directly from the ureter
  4. The three lumens are for the prevention of urine reflux, continuous bladder irrigation, and drainage
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170) The triangular area in the bladder floor formed by the three openings of the right and left ureters and the urethra is the:
  1. triangilaris.
  2. trapezius.
  3. trigone.
  4. trivalve
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171) The state of matter that involves solutions is called a:
  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. plasma
  4. gas
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172) Which of the following statements is not true about the eye?
  1. The posterior chamber contains vitreous humor.
  2. The ciliary body and the iris are intrinsic eye muscles.
  3. The middle tunic of the eye is the arachnoid layer.
  4. The retina contains rods, which are concerned with black and white vision, and cones, which are concerned with color vision
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173) Correct hand placement for cardiac compressions during CPR is on the:
  1. igastrium
  2. lower third of the sternum
  3. xiphoid process
  4. upper half of sternum
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174) Shannon J., an eight-year-old child, is scheduled for a Tonsillectomy and an Adenoidectomy. Which knife blade and handle combination will be used on the Tonsillectomy?
  1. 11 blade on a 4 handle
  2. an 11 blade on a 7 handle
  3. a 12 blade on a 3 handle
  4. a 12 blade on a 7 handle
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175) When performing a pre-operative shave prep, the circulator should take all of the following precautions except:
  1. the eyebrows are rarely shaved
  2. shave the hair against the direction of growth
  3. clippers and depilatory creams may be used
  4. shave as close to the time of surgery as possible, but preferably not in the operating room
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176) Anita M. age 72, is scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement. Post-operatively, what would be used to immobilize the joint?
  1. plaster cast
  2. traction
  3. abduction pillow
  4. adduction pillow
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177) A Triple Arthrodesis treats which conditions?
  1. Colles’ fracture, osteoporosis
  2. scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis
  3. AC joint separation, shoulder separation
  4. clubfoot, inversion, and eversion deformities
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178) Which of the following correctly describes a type of fracture?
  1. A compound fracture is the same as an open fracture and occurs when the bone protrudes through the skin
  2. A comminuted fracture occurs when one bone fragment is driven into another
  3. A greenstick fracture is most common in the elderly
  4. A simple fracture occurs when the bone is splintered or crushed
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179) Anita M. age 72, is scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement.
  1. ita would be placed in which of the following positions?
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180) Which of the following are positioning devices used for back surgery?
  1. Andrews, Wilson
  2. Charnley, Langenbeck
  3. Chick, Stryker
  4. Bucks, Volkmann
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181) Why are non-absorbable sutures such as silk not recommended for use in the bladder or gallbladder?
  1. they may become unraveled or unbraided
  2. they will dissolve too rapidly when they come in contact with urine or bile
  3. they will cause an infection
  4. they may become a nucleus for stone formation
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182) Wounds can heal in three ways. Which correctly describes healing by third intention?
  1. ean wound, no infection, primary closure
  2. excessive tissue loss, bacterial contamination, wound which has been left open to heal from the bottom up
  3. thin, hair-line scar, strong union
  4. wound which has been left open due to infection, brought back to surgery for secondary closure, and two surfaces of granulation tissue are approximated
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183) Which of the following is not a sign of inflammation?
  1. swelling
  2. redness
  3. proliferation
  4. heat
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184) Which of the following is not true of a Repair of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?
  1. Heparin sodium will be given IV before clamping the aorta to prevent blood clots
  2. A preclotted bifurcated graft is sewn in place with double armed nonabsorbable sutures
  3. Satinsky or Cooley clamps may be used
  4. A midline incision from xiphoid to umbilicus is used
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185) Which of the following electrical energy concepts is measured in amps?
  1. voltage
  2. amperes
  3. frequency
  4. power
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186) A nosocomial infection is one which:
  1. occurred in the nasopharynx
  2. developed from endogenous flora
  3. occurred socially
  4. occurred as a result of being in a hospital or health care facility
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187) The type of heat loss experienced by surgical patients due to being uncovered and exposed in the cool operating room is called:
  1. radiation
  2. convection
  3. conduction
  4. refraction
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188) Which of the following is the name of the incision made to perform an Appendectomy?
  1. paramedian, made in the left upper quadrant
  2. McBurney, made in the right lower quadrant
  3. Kocher, made in the right lower quadrant
  4. lower oblique, made in the left lower quadrant
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189) A Scalene Lymph Node Biopsy is performed to determine the spread of cancer from which organ?
  1. lungs
  2. liver
  3. prostate
  4. uterus
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190) What is the name of the only non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent that can trigger Malignant Hyperthermia?
  1. tubocurarine chloride (Tubarine)
  2. succinylcholine hydrochloride (Anectine)
  3. droperidol (Inapsine)
  4. vecuronium bromide (Norcuron)
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191) A primagravida is a/an:
  1. woman who has delivered one child
  2. woman in her first pregnancy
  3. woman who has many children
  4. person with one kidney
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192) Which of the following is not true about operating room hazards?
  1. A scavenging system should be used when mixing bone cement
  2. MSDS sheets on the chemicals in the department should be readily accessible
  3. A scavenging system should be used for exhaled anesthetic gases
  4. Blood-soaked sponges can be safely discarded in the regular trash
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193) Intracellular fluid is located:
  1. in the blood stream
  2. between the cells
  3. in the lymph vessels
  4. within the cell
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194) The acid-fast stain is most commonly used to diagnose which disease?
  1. Meningococcal disease
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. AIDS
  4. Strep throat
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195) What is the term for a microorganism that can live in both aerobic and anaerobic environments?
  1. Apomidary
  2. Facultative anaerobe
  3. Obligatory
  4. Saprophytic
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