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Which of the following materials are may be classified as Rapidly Renewable Materials bio-based materials under the LEED rating system? (Select 3)
- Bamboo
- Cotton
- Linoleum
- Steel
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What can project team do after having two credits denied?
- Submit $250 or $500 for each appealed credit review
- Submit $500 or $800 for each appealed credit review
- Submit $500 to pay for appeal reviews for both credits
- Submit $800 to pay for appeal reviews for both credits
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What would most likely be considered a supply of potable water?
- A graywater supply system
- Blackwater treated to tertiary standards
- Captured rain water
- Subsurface well
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A project team is deciding if various innovative strategies are eligible for points in the Innovation category. Which of the following are recommended approaches?
- File an appeal to be sure that the strategy is eligible.
- Read the ID credit catalog document.
- Read the reference guide to be sure the strategy is not already addressed in an existing credit.
- Submit one CIR containing all of the strategies in question.
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The main purpose of LEED Online is:
- To provide a networking forum for LEED credentialed individuals
- To provide project teams with a tool to manage the LEED certification process
- To provide project teams with real-time feedback on questions related to credits
- To register projects for LEED certification
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LEED ND projects, like all LEED projects, need to meet project size criteria as part of the minimum program requirements. Which of the following are true? (select 2)
- The project must be a minimum of 10 acres.
- The project must be a minimum of 20 acres.
- The project must not exceed 1,500 acres.
- The project must not exceed 300 habitable buildings
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Which strategy will contribute to earning points for both Optimize Energy Performance and On-site Renewable Energy?
- Daylight harvesting system
- Ground source heat pump
- Purchase green tags
- Solar thermal system
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Which of the following is NOT a strategy for reducing automobile usage?
- Install bicycle racks and showers in a building
- Locate a project near mass transit
- Minimize parking lot size
- Provide Low Emitting Fuel Efficient vehicles to building occupants
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A project team's local jurisdiction enforces an erosion and sedimentation control requirement that is more stringent that the EPA Construction General Permit. What should the project team do?
- Comply with the EPA Construction General Permit
- Comply with the local requirements and include submittals verifying that the requirements are more stringent
- Request a variance from the local jurisdiction to be allowed to follow the EPA Construction General Permit
- Submit an appeal describing the local requirements to GBCI
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What is the definition of a Full Time Equivalent (FTE)?
- A regular building occupant who spends a 40 hour workweek in a building
- The average number of customers during throughout an 8 hour day
- The maximum number of employees in a building during any 24 hour period
- The ratio of female and male employees
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What are strategies to help reduce vehicle miles traveled to and from a project building? (Select 2)
- Increase the size of the parking lot
- Provide a car-share program that allows the occupants to share vehicles
- Provide preferred parking for fuel efficient vehicles
- Provide preferred parking spaces close to the entrance for carpools or vanpools
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Which of the following has the lowest flow rate?
- Composting Toilet
- Conventional Toilet
- Dual Flush Toilet
- Low Flow Toilet
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What strategies support carpooling? (Select 2)
- Dedicate parking spaces for carpools and vanpools
- Dedicate parking spaces for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles
- Exceed minimum zoning requirements for new parking
- Utilize porous paving materials for 50% of the parking spaces
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How can a project earn a point for Innovation? (Select 2)
- Demonstrate exemplary performance on an existing LEED credit
- Have four or more LEED AP's actively working on a project
- Show a quantifiable environmental benefit from a sustainable measure that is not related to other LEED credits
- Use pioneering technology to meet the requirements of a LEED credit
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Which of the following is necessary to earn a point for Innovation?
- Apply a Credit Interpretation Ruling (CIR) to a project
- Implement a strategy not covered by an existing credit
- Implement a strategy that is covered by an existing credit in a unique way on a project
- Meet the standards of all prerequisites in a rating system
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When calculating percentages for recycled content for materials and resources, what is the equation used?
- (.5) Pre-Consumer + Post-Consumer
- (2) Post-Consumer - (.5) Pre-Consume
- All recycled content is calculated the same
- Pre-Consumer + (.5) Post-Consumer
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Which type of product declaration counts a whole product for credit calculation purposes in the MR credit Environmental Product Declaration?
- Industry-wide (generic) EPD
- Manufacturer's declaration of environmental performance
- Product-specific Type III EPD
- Publicly available, critically reviewed LCA
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Which two of the following are nonregularly occupied spaces? (select 2)
- Bathrooms
- Hallways
- Living Rooms
- Offices
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LEED is an acronym for:
- Leadership in Energy and Earth Design
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- Leadership in Environmental and Ecology Design
- Leading Earth and Energy Design
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Each of the following are LEED rating system adaptations except
- Data Centers
- Multiple Buildings
- New Construction
- Retail
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A building owner has read an article on the benefits of daylighting on productivity and, as a result, has asked the design team for his new building to evaluate increasing the current amount of glass. Which one of the following is NOT a relevant consideration to determine if this is feasible?
- The impact on building energy efficiency
- The impact on lighting system light pollution
- The impact on occupant thermal comfort
- The impact on the heat island effect
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ASHRAE 90.1-2010 sets design criteria for all of the following except?
- Building envelope design
- Minimum efficiency for motors
- Ventilation requirements
- Water heater minimum efficiency
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Which of the following is NOT a correct statement concerning LEED Interpretations
- A favorable ruling results in an earned credit
- Can be requested only by a LEED registered project team member
- Establishes precedent for future projects
- Rulings are publically available
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Which of the following is NOT true concerning the use of waste-to-energy as a diversion strategy for Construction and Demolition Waste Management?
- The combustion of wood or "wood-derived fuel" is considered waste-to-energy and is included in the referenced criteria
- project teams pursuing this compliance option must demonstrate that reuse and recycling strategies were exhausted before sending material to waste-to-energy facilities
- project teams pursuing this compliance option must follow European standards consisting of performance metrics of efficiency and emissions for different types of energy recovery systems
- the facility must meet the applicable European standards based on the fuel type
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All of the following are stated characteristics of the LEED rating system, except-(Select 2)
- Consensus-based
- Democratic
- Market-driven
- Voluntary
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Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control is concerned mainly with which one of the following?
- preventing tobacco smoke from contaminating the air in occupied spaces
- preventing tobacco smoke from contributing to the contamination of natural environments
- providing smoking rooms so that smokers will have a place to smoke freely
- providing the minimum rate of ventilation required to sufficiently dilute smoke from tobacco
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Which of the following could be considered an innovative strategy and could gain Innovation points for a new construction project certification?
- Installing a xeriscape
- Locating in a dense urban business district where many sustainable businesses are headquartered
- Utilizing a vegetated roof that grows organic produce
- Utilizing materials with 100% recycled content
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Which standard referenced in the LEED credits involves limits on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) for wet applied sealants?
- Green Label Plus
- Green Seal GS-11
- South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1168
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What is the legal instrument that regulates current land use?
- abatement
- commissioning
- licensing
- zoning
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For MR credit calculation purposes, product and material cost includes which of the following? (Select 2)
- all taxes
- delivery costs
- equipment required for installation
- labor costs
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All of the following are strategies to reduce outdoor water use EXCEPT?
- Choosing invasive plants
- Choosing locally adapted plants
- Using nonpotable water
- Xeriscaping
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A project team has discovered that in order to get a paint that will meet the durability requirements of the project, they cannot meet the VOC content limit established by SCAQMD Rule 1113. What is the best option for the team?
- A CIR can be written to determine if, due to the durability requirements, that the VOC limit can be relaxed
- None, they will not be able to earn Low-Emitting Materials - Paints and Coatings
- The project can use the budget calculation method to achieve compliance
- The project narrative can be used to describe the special circumstances
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The electrical engineer working on parking lot lighting wants to be sure the lighting will comply with Light Pollution Reduction. Which standard is referenced in this credit?
- Energy Policy Act of 1992
- Energy Policy Act of 2005
- IES/IDA Model Lighting Ordinance User Guide
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A rapidly renewable material is defined as one that:
- Can be recycled with a minimum amount of Energy
- Has a growth cycle of 10 years or less
- Has a very low life cycle assessment
- Is naturally grown material that does not require chemical fertilizers to speed the growth cycle
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A 25,000 sqft one-story office building in a suburban location is undergoing minor renovations that affect 15% of gross floor area and wants to improve its ongoing sustainable building operations. Which rating system should the project utilize?
- LEED BD+C: Homes
- LEED BD+C: New Construction
- LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors
- LEED O+M: Existing Buildings
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What are some simple strategies to reduce the total energy consumption on a building? (Select 2)
- Compressed workweek
- Increase ventilation throughout the day
- Install incandescent lighting
- Telecommuting
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Which of the following is the same as a project's site area for a single building project?
- Building footprint
- Development footprint
- Nonconstructed areas
- Property Size
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Which of the following is the best definition for zoning?
- A government arrangement regarding the use of a building
- A legal instrument regulating environmental impacts
- A legal instrument regulating land use
- A voluntary agreement regarding land use
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Which of the following is a true statement describing the relationship between energy and water?
- Energy and water are unrelated environmental issues.
- Environmental improvements relating to water always have an energy penalty.
- Water is used to create energy, and vice-versa.
- Water issues can be safely ignored, while energy issues remain critical.
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A flooring product is partially made from recycled plastics. How should the product be counted?
- Count only the portion that is made from within 100 miles of the project site
- Count the portion of the product made from recycled content
- If more than 75% of the product is recycled content, count 100% of the product
- The recycled content only contributes only if it has an Environmental Product Declaration.
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A water efficient strategy to reduce potable water demand for the interior of a building would include (Select 3)
- Implementing low-flow toilets
- Installing aerators into lavatory faucet
- Installing drip irrigation
- Using graywater for flush fixtures
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Which LEED rating system should a 100-unit, 9 story apartment building located in a downtown area utilize when undergoing a complete renovation?
- LEED BD+C: Homes
- LEED BD+C: Multifamily Midrise
- LEED BD+C: New Construction
- LEED O+M: Existing Buildings
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Life Cycle Assessment is
- an analysis of the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product
- the comparison of different designs in which the best long-term investment is determined based on the lowest overall cost of ownership
- the opposite of cradle-to-cradle
- the same as Life Cycle Cost Analysis
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How many years of historical rainfall data must project teams obtain in order to achieve Option 1: Percentile of Rainfall Events for the Rainwater Management credit?
- 0 years
- 10 years
- 2 years
- 8 years
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When considering a location valuation factor, which of the following must be true for a product or material to be valued at 200% of its cost (i.e. the valuation factor is 2)?
- the product or material must be extracted, manufactured, and purchased within 100 miles of the project
- the product or material must be extracted, manufactured, and purchased within 500 miles of the project
- the product or material must be purchased within 100 miles of the project
- there is no longer a location valuation factor available for cost calculation purposes
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How much does it cost to register a project for LEED BD+C certification?
- $450 USGBC silver, gold, or platinum level members / $300 others
- $550 USGBC silver, gold, or platinum level members / $750 others
- $600 USGBC silver, gold, or platinum level members / $800 others
- $900 USGBC silver, gold, or platinum level members / $1,200 others
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Analysis of a product's partial life cycle, that omits the use and disposal phases of the product, is called:
- cradle-to-cradle
- cradle-to-gate
- cradle-to-grave
- gate-to-gate
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What is the intent behind the purchase of Green Power?
- Earn a point on a LEED credit
- Emissions reductions
- Reduce electrical consumption
- Reduce the cost of electricity
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Two primary members of a project team and the rainwater collection designer are all LEED AP's. How many points would the project earn?
- 1
- 2 (1 base point plus 1 exemplary point)
- 3 (one for each person)
- Zero
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According to the U.S. EPA, what are the four preferred strategies for reducing waste, which are directly addressed in the MR section of LEED v4?
- reuse, recycling, incineration, brownfield remediation
- reuse, recycling, rapidly renewable resources, regional materials
- source reduction, recycling, bio-based materials, regional materials
- source reduction, reuse, recycling, waste to energy
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Which of the following strategies would promote better erosion and sedimentation control during construction? (Select 2)
- grid pavers
- mulching
- sediment basin
- smaller site
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Which of the following best describes a synergy between EQ and EA?
- Increased daylight glazing could increase the effects of volatile organic compounds
- Increased daylight glazing could minimize the impacts of the heat island effect
- Increased daylight glazing could reduce the need for electric lighting
- Increased daylight glazing would increase the work-load of the commissioning authority
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When choosing a project site, which of the following would be the best option to develop on?
- A greenfield close the highway
- A marshland that supports endangered species
- A previously developed site within a brownfield
- An undeveloped site next to a wetland
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Which of the following would NOT likely be included when performing life cycle costing analysis (LCCA)?
- Environmental impacts of a product
- Operating cost
- Product durability
- Product first cost
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What material is assumed to have a minimum post-consumer recycled content when no supporting documentation can be obtained?
- Concrete
- Cotton Batt Insulation
- PVC Plastic Piping
- Steel
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Which of the following uses of potable water are not considered when calculating Indoor Water Use Reduction?
- Cooling Tower Make-up
- Kitchen Sinks
- Showers
- Water Closets
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The density radius is used in the calculation of which credit?
- Light Pollution Reduction
- Sensitive Land Protection
- Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat
- Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses
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What reference standard sets the baseline for indoor water consumption?
- ASHRAE 62.1-2010
- ASTM E1903-11
- EPA WaterSense
- Energy Policy Act of 1992
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Captured stormwater could also help in achieving which credits?
- Heat Island Reduction
- Open Space
- Optimize Energy Performance
- Outdoor Water Use Reduction
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Bio-based materials, FSC certified wood, materials reuse, and recycled content are all referenced under which MR credit option?
- Environmental Product Declaration
- Leadership Extraction Practices
- Material Ingredient Optimization
- Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Optimization
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Which two of the following is never considered to be a source for graywater? (Select 2)
- Kitchen Sinks
- Lavatories
- Toilets
- Urinals
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What are the two methods used to meet the requirements for the Light Pollution Reduction credit?
- Backlight-uplight-glare (BUG)
- Calculation method
- Lucent Prediction Theory (LPT)
- Luminaire forecast
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The LEED Checklist has which of the following options next to each credit?
- Anticipated, Earned, and Denied (A/E/D)
- Earned, Denied, and Audited (E/D/A)
- Yes and No (Y/N)
- Yes, Maybe, and No (Y/?/N)
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A middle school in a downtown city is to be completely renovated and a large addition will be added. The project will require complete replacement of the mechanical and electrical systems and adding new high performance windows. Which LEED product is most appropriate for this project?
- LEED BD+C: Core and Shell
- LEED BD+C: New Construction
- LEED BD+C: Schools
- LEED O+M: Schools
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Which of the following has the strongest relationship with local zoning?
- Building Reuse
- Landscape Irrigation
- Parking capacity
- Water use reduction
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Through what process can a LEED project be registered?
- A meeting with a GBCI representative
- Online
- Through a letter mailed or faxed to the GBCI
- Through an email to the GBCI sent by the project's LEED manager
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What is the heat island effect?
- The absorption of heat by dark, non-reflective hardscapes in urban areas
- The decrease of relative humidity in urban areas
- The increase in carbon dioxide emissions in warmer areas
- The increase in temperature in certain areas due to reduced airflow
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What are the requirements when submitting a credit for Innovation? (Select 3)
- The credit must be addressed by an existing credit
- The credit must be specific to that region
- The credit must have an intent
- The credit must submit requirements for compliance
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A LEED-CI project team wants to achieve the credit for having a LEED AP. Which of the following is true?
- If four people on the project team are LEED AP's, then the project can earn two points
- If no one on the project team is a LEED AP, one can be hired to do the initial review of the LEED Scorecard and the project would earn a point
- If the architect and engineer both have LEED AP's in their companies, then the project can earn two points
- If the mechanical engineer is a LEED AP w/ ID+C specialty the project should qualify for the credit
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Using native and adapted plant species can help to achieve which of the following? (Select 3)
- Prevent erosion
- Provide benefits for local wildlife
- Reduce storm water runoff
- Reduce the amount of water required for irrigation
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A newly built high-rise residential building has been occupied for two months. Which of the following LEED rating systems can be attempted at this time?
- Homes
- Operations & Maintenance
- Operations & Maintenance or Building Design and Construction
- There are no applicable rating systems
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What is the first Level of LEED Certification called?
- Certified
- Gold
- Platinum
- Silver
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Which of the following types of products can become Green-e certified?
- Environmental Product Declarations
- Furniture
- Renewable Energy
- Roll-out mat cleaning service providers
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Why should a green project be located in an existing community?
- Adequate parking is available onsite
- Native plantings can be used for erosion control
- The connection to diverse uses is present
- The zoning approval for the project is easier
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Achieving which of the following credits or prerequisites would most benefit from the involvement of the facility manager?
- Advanced Energy Metering
- Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
- Daylight
- High Priority Site
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The following would be impacted by the use of low flow shower heads: (Select 2)
- Energy & Atmosphere
- Innovation
- Sustainable Sites
- Water Efficiency
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What referenced standard is used to develop an energy simulation?
- ASHRAE 55-2010
- CIBSE Applications Manual 10
- Energy Policy Act of 1992
- Green Score
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To which of the following might a demand-controlled ventilation system, and the energy saved from that system, contribute? (Select 2)
- Energy and Atmosphere
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Sustainable Sites
- Water Efficiency
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What are two responsibilities of the contractor that support LEED documentation? (Select 2)
- provide energy modeling calculations
- provide evidence of waste diverted from landfill
- provide material safety data sheets or other manufacturer source of VOC data with paint submittals
- provide site photometric plans
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For the Light Pollution Reduction credit, light trespass refers to:
- Horizontal illuminance calculated by the highest luminaire for the project
- Horizontal illuminance calculated by the shortest luminaire for the project
- Intrusive illumination that is harmless and neutral in effect
- Obtrusive illumination that is unwanted
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Which of the following should not be included in the project budget?
- Extra contingencies for research
- Government lobbying fees
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Sustainability Expert
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Which of the following organizations publish data regarding the emissions and/or fuel efficiency of vehicles?
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Which of the following best describes a synergy between SS and EA?
- Utilizing a vegetated roof can help cool the building
- Utilizing a vegetated roof contributes to the amount of vegetated open space
- Utilizing a vegetated roof minimizes the amount of storm water runoff
- Utilizing a vegetated roof provides habitat protection
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Which of the following LEED situations would warrant the use of ASHRAE 62.1-2010 as a reference standard?
- To compile a survey to determine building occupant thermal comfort
- To determine whether a material is pre-consumer or post-consumer recycled content
- To increase the minimum ventilation requirement to improve indoor air quality
- To meet the minimum energy performance requirements for LEED certification
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What is a likely a benefit for a project that will be located in an urban area near a residential neighborhood?
- Access to public transportation
- Lower levels of light pollution
- Opportunity to redevelop a brownfield
- Reduced stormwater runoff
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Which of the following elements would not be included in the scope of fundamental refrigerant management? (Select 2)
- Central air conditioning
- Chilled water systems
- Standard refrigerator
- Water cooler
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Surrounding Density is determined by which of the following?
- Distance to a bus line
- Distance to parks of at least 1/2 acre
- Gross floor area of surrounding buildings
- Number of residential units within 1/2 mile
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What strategy could be used to reduce the use of potable water for sewage conveyance?
- A rainwater capture and recycling system
- Installation of low flow lavatory faucets
- Onsite blackwater collection and infiltration system
- Plumbing fixtures that meet the requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 1992
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What are the advantages of compact development? (Select 3)
- Ease of automobile use
- Less sprawl
- More efficient public transportation
- More pedestrian friendly
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A landscape architect would most likely assist in the submittals for which of the following credits? (Select 2)
- Fundamental Commissioning
- Fundamental Refrigerant Management
- Heat Island Reduction
- Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat
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In order to meet the requirements of Low-Emitting Materials, carpet adhesive must comply with which reference standard? (select two)
- ASHRAE 62.1-2010
- CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010
- Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Plus
- SCAQMD Rule 1168
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Which of the following refers to the act of approving a project team's submittals and issuing an award?
- accreditation
- certification
- registration
- ruling
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What credit requires FTE for calculations? (Select 2)
- Bicycle Facilities
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
- Green Power and Carbon Offsets
- Indoor Water Use Reduction
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An example of a Credit Category in LEED is
- All listed
- Innovation
- Location and Transportation
- Sustainable Sites
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A project team is attempting compliance with the Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses credit. Which of the following strategies could assist in compliance? (Select 2)
- Achieve a minimum density of 60,000 square feet per net acre
- Locate within 1/2 mile of a subway station
- Locate within 1/2 mile walking distance of at least 10 diverse uses
- Redevelop a brownfield site
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Which of the following would be considered a regionally sourced material as recognized by LEED?
- Doors manufactured 100 miles from the project site from wood harvested from a forest 1,000 miles from the project site
- Gypsum board manufactured 80 miles from the project site from gypsum mined 40 miles from the project site
- Plumbing fixtures fabricated in a facility 150 miles from the project site from clay mined within 10 miles of the manufacturing facility.
- Steel studs made from recycled steel at a melting and rolling plant located 700 miles from the project site
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Light pollution can be defined as:
- Low-mass airborne particulate matter, often transmitted by wind, from a construction site to an adjacent property
- Visual phenomenon when nighttime lighting is used at municipal solid waste facilities
- Waste light caused when lights create a photochemical reaction with gas in the air
- Waste light from building sites that produce glare, is directed upward, or directed off the site
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Which is a common problem regarding many traditional zoning ordinances?
- They allow developments to exceed minimum parking requirements
- They allow too much mixed-use development
- They are restrictive regarding bicycle accommodations
- They do not address issues related to open space
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Which of the following is a strategy for containing VOCs and particulate originating from chemical storage rooms? (select 2)
- Exhaust air from chemical storage rooms directly outside
- Install MERV 13 filters on any returns located inside chemical storage rooms
- Maintain chemical storage rooms at a negative pressure
- Maintain indoor relative humidity between 0% and 35%.
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To achieve the Location and Transportation (LT) credit Reduced Parking Footprint the parking capacity base ratio is determined using the:
- National Urban Parking Manual
- Parking Structures Design Manual
- Traffic Regulations Construction Guide
- Transportation Planning Handbook
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