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Experimental design

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1) Researcher records naturally occurring behavior and tries not to interfere in any way
  1. Descriptive Research
  2. Experimental Research
  3. Naturalistic Research
  4. Correlation Research
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2) Occurs when an individual's behavior is changed by the process of being observed
  1. Case Study
  2. Reactivity
  3. Third Variable
  4. D.Placebo
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3) An uncontrolled variable that changes along with the independent variable
  1. Confounding Variable
  2. Dependent Variable
  3. Case Study
  4. Independent Variable
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4) Experimental participants do not know which condition they have been assigned
  1. Correlation Experiment
  2. Double-blind Study
  3. Random Assignment
  4. Single-blind Study
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5) What is the extent to which an experiment has effectively controlled for confounding variables
  1. External Validity
  2. Case Study
  3. Internal Validity
  4. Confounding Variable
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