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PH 302 (Epidemiology) Quizzes

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1) Analysis of disease by time, place, and demographics is known as:
  1. Determinants
  2. Distribution
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2) Physical, biological, social, cultural, and behavior factors that influence health are:
  1. Determinants
  2. Distribution
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3) Who took over the Bills of Mortality in London in the 1600s and established the precursor of vital records?
  1. Edward Jenner
  2. John Graunt
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Robert Koch
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4) What did studies by James Lind find was related to quick recovery from scurvy?
  1. Beer
  2. Citrus fruit
  3. Fresh vegetables
  4. Salted pork
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5) John Snow investigated a cholera outbreak in London. He found that the cholera cases were clustered around what common facilities in London?
  1. Police stations
  2. Public restrooms
  3. Taverns
  4. Water pumps
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6) Lemuel Shattuck was the pioneer of American Epidemiology. What state did he help establish the first state health department?
  1. Massachusetts
  2. New York
  3. Pennsylvania
  4. Vermont
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7) Mary Mallon was famous for being a non-ill carrier of what disease?
  1. Cholera
  2. Influenza
  3. Scurvy
  4. Typhoid
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8) What study is commonly recognized as the first long term cohort study to investigate risk factors for chronic diseases?
  1. Epidemic Intelligence study
  2. Framingham study
  3. MRFIT Trial
  4. Rancho Bernardo Study
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9) Which of the following is NOT a proportion?
  1. 30%
  2. 45 cases of URI occurred among the PH 302 students during fall 2014
  3. Annual Death Rate
  4. Number of new cases of a disease
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10) Which service is a form of primary prevention?
  1. Type 2 diabetes screening for adults with high blood pressure
  2. Obesity counseling
  3. Influenza vaccine for adults
  4. None of the above
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11) Which of the following provides an estimate of risk?
  1. Incidence
  2. Prevalence
  3. Sensitivity
  4. Specificity
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12) Case control studies allow the assessment of multiple:
  1. exposures
  2. outcomes
  3. both
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13) which of these study designs is NOT an observational design?
  1. case control design
  2. clinical trial
  3. cohort design
  4. cross-sectional design
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14) Which study design is the best for studying rare diseases as an outcome?
  1. case-control design
  2. cohort design
  3. community trail
  4. cross-sectional design
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15) The "source population" for a case control design is:
  1. all cases in a study
  2. all controls in a study
  3. population at mid year
  4. population that all cases come from
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16) Which of the following ethical guidelines for the protection of human subjects did the Tuskegee study violate?
  1. Voluntary consent
  2. Degree of risk never outweighs benefit
  3. Scientist must always be willing and able to end study
  4. All of the above
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17) Although many guidelines exist to help assess causality, which of the following is the only one that is required:
  1. Biological plausibility
  2. Consistency
  3. Strength of association
  4. Temporality
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18) The specificity of a measurement or a screening test is:
  1. The ability of a test to be done many times in a row
  2. The ability of a test to correctly identify those that don't have a disease
  3. The ability of a test to identify confounding
  4. The ability of a test to correctly identify those that have a disease
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19) An examples of prevalence proportion is:
  1. The number of cases of multiple sclerosis in a high school
  2. The number of new cases of prostate cancer per year per 100,000 males
  3. The number of sore throat episodes suffered by a 3-year-old per year
  4. The total number of cases of diabetes per 100,000 population in 1996
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